Dezeeartee Is Creating All The Time
As the sun rises on a new day in AI Art Expression, there are so many new and unique faucets of not just creating an image but mastering a story.
Most serious ai art generations are fiction based and at the same time generating images from stories and expressions of past, present and future ideas. This make serious art lovers often want to explore the works of the masters.
Are there markets for the images above that have a meaning with in a set of images created in a session or will each image be able to get its own message out?
In putting together this question it was decided to make group image art and create something new that may give clues to the story the art it self was telling.
In this artwork is the story of a child that looked like the grand parent in an olden day custody battle.
Also changing the perception and interest level in the art as well as all future questions and mysteries to unravel.
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